i wish i could be a kid again.
i really, really wish i could.
but then again, when i was a kid...i couldn't wait to grow up.
i wish it wasn't like that.
i am 19 years old,
and i'm still not completely sure what i want to do in life.
i didn't know right away when i was in 1st grade.
i've known i want to do many things.
help people, speak 4 different languages, do hair and make-up, take pictures, write.
is it bad that i don't know what i want to do yet?
am i wasting my life?
i don't think so.
but some people might.
i know i shouldn't care what some people think.
but i do care, about what some people think.
not everyone.
mmk. that's all i have to say right now.
ps. this is the first time i've felt so strongly emotional about this. hence, why i wrote this and posted it.
pps. this will probably be made private soon, so eat up all my emotions while you can.