Saturday, March 27, 2010


i'm pretty sure we all would love to be perfect.. maybe some more than others. i wonder what would happen if everything was perfect. would we be happy or bored? would it really be perfect, or do we even really know what perfect is? i'm pretty sure perfect is relative, just like anything else in life. what is good? what is bad? everyone has their own answers.

i do believe in perfect moments though. times where everything seems to be exactly how i want. i disagree with those who say perfection doesn't exist. i believe that perfection takes time, and that it may not ever last forever... but it is what it is.

perfect could turn into disaster, but that shouldn't discredit what you thought it was.
nothing is permanent. change is constant.

perfect > disaster > perfect > disaster = life.

"no i'll never come back down, down from here."


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