Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ooooooh! life!

are you on dope? Yes.
what kind? musical dope.
do you get high? Yes.
off of what? music.
are you on a trip or something? Yes.
what kind of a trip? music.

* * * *

sometimes life can be so freakin' unexpected.
i kinda like it though.


not like this is any new news.. but i need a job. lol.

Monday, June 14, 2010

who do you think i think i am?

nobody is ever gonna stop talking.. so i'm gonna keep being me & you should keep being you.

sometimes things are said that sting or hurt. not everybody realizes the impact of their words. at the same time, things should never be taken personally. the only thing personal is your self.

remember that.

& the early bird gets the worm.

Ready or not.
Here I come.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


i've realized the happiest i ever am is when i'm doing what i want and when i don't feel like i'm compelled to do what others want or what i'm expected to be. i don't want to be like anyone else. i want to stand out. i remember as a kid, i always wanted to blend in.. people would say that it was good to be unique, but i just thought that was the most ridiculous thing ever. it's crazy to think how i did not want to be in my own skin at all. as corny as it may sound, when i remember how much i used to hate myself, it makes me love myself that much more. i don't think anybody really realizes how their insecurities may have gotten in the way of living life. i feel like i've come a long way, even if i still have a ways to go. i'm proud of who i've become, and who i'm becoming. i may not be perfect, and i may not be exactly who i wanted to be when i was a little girl. i'm becoming exactly who i should be.

