Tuesday, March 30, 2010

stay humble.

sometimes it seems as if i have everything under control. i start to think that everything is working out. i become overly excited and forget what it's like to feel down. i start feeling all high & mighty, like i'm on the top of the world.

but then...
something happens. something doesn't go my way. things may seem like they're starting to crumble. i feel confused again.

wasn't it just last week that i was feeling so confident?
and right now i feel as if there was never anything different.

even when things get better than good, it's still important to remember what i did to get to where i am.

one step at a time. i can figure out where i am and where i'm going again.

life is a journey, not a destination.

where is my head?

it shouldn't be like this and i'm really annoyed at myself that it is.
every time i think i got it all handled... i feel like i'm actin like a fool.
why do i even care? i thought things were cool.

i most definitely think too much and it is a proooooblem!
i must submerse myself into everything else besides THIS.

ohhhhh! this is embarrassing!

Monday, March 29, 2010



just when you think you know just where you're gonna go.. life turns on you and makes you to find other directions. it's all part of the learning process... the one that i don't always want to go through. why must we always learn the hard way? sometimes it takes f o r e v e r to learn. there are so many things that i've thought i've learned... but really i just forgot it the second i thought i learned it. HA. sound familiar?

so the sad story is we might lose, get hurt, trampled on or laughed at.
but eventually,
we'll learn all that we need to know to have our own happy ending.

t a k e y o u r t i m e .

Saturday, March 27, 2010


i'm pretty sure we all would love to be perfect.. maybe some more than others. i wonder what would happen if everything was perfect. would we be happy or bored? would it really be perfect, or do we even really know what perfect is? i'm pretty sure perfect is relative, just like anything else in life. what is good? what is bad? everyone has their own answers.

i do believe in perfect moments though. times where everything seems to be exactly how i want. i disagree with those who say perfection doesn't exist. i believe that perfection takes time, and that it may not ever last forever... but it is what it is.

perfect could turn into disaster, but that shouldn't discredit what you thought it was.
nothing is permanent. change is constant.

perfect > disaster > perfect > disaster = life.

"no i'll never come back down, down from here."


Friday, March 26, 2010

words to live by.

if we spend our whole lives rushing to get to the next thing, we're gonna end up old and wishing that we took the time appreciate the little things in life like the sunshine & the butterflies. live in the moment, prepare for the future, and learn from the past. feel the music, dance to the music, live in the music. make each day count; find out who you are: accept it & love it. be who you want to be, do what you want to do. forget what everyone expects, do the unexpected and enjoy every second of it.

who says FML still? no no no. it's 2010. LML!!

" there will come a time in your life where you will ask yourself a series of questions... am i happy with who i am ? am i happy with the people around me ? am i happy with what i'm doing ? am i happy with the way my life is going ? do i have a life ? or am i just living ? do not let these questions restrain or trouble you. just point yourself in the direction of your dreams. find your strength in the sound... and make your transition. "


Monday, March 22, 2010

the only one you'll fool is yourself.

i'll start with the conclusion:
i don't know everything.

good things happen to the people that believe that they will.
I crrrrave simplicity.
but all i get back is complexity.
complexsimplicity always gettin' the best of me.

hey, 3 months til i turn 20! i'm still a lil kid. lol. i'm learning though.

there's hope for the hopeless.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


thoughts become scarce and therefore become irrelevant,
but you and i know better.
who is it i'm talking about?
i don't know either.

i remember a time when i used to feel so sure, but now it's turn to less than going with the flow.. but jumping from place to place & not knowing exactly where to go. why does everybody else have an idea?

i have an idea, but i keep getting lost.
i thought i could help you. you thought you could change me.

they said if you love something, let it go.
i don't know about that. seems pretty stupid sometimes.