Monday, April 27, 2009

6am thoughts.

a boy once asked me why i think people don't like me or ignore me.
i thought to myself, "i don't know and i don't care."
i thought again and i told him...
"i think they just don't understand me."

sometimes i don't even understand myself.

i've come to find beauty in the small things in life.
i've come to find appreciation in things that i never have before.
from every person, we can learn lessons and in turn give the same to others.

pay it forward;
people are;;

[1] he said that one day we're all going to be happy with one another. it's going to be a new generation, there won't be hate. he said he could not wait. he helps me.

[2] she is a girl that people want to be around. she brings life to the party and smiles to peoples' faces. her friendliness is contagious. yin and yang.

[3] he has a passion for music like nobody i've ever met before. his smile is huge & he brings a smile to my face. he has a different way of talking: one that most people could get lost listening to, but to me i feel like we are on the same wavelength.

[4] such good vibes. i can't even begin to explain how this person seems to bring love & fun into this world. a person that anybody would be lucky to meet.

[5] interesting. someone that seems like he has seen the world, and is open to so much. a giver, for sure.

[6] sometimes she doesn't/cannot stop laughing. she can turn a frown upside down so quick. i know she's seen and learned a lot in her life already. i learn a lot from her.

[7] unconditional love like no other.

[8] it's hard to comprehend the twists and turns, the ups and the downs... he said he's never met a girl like me. and then he walked away without turning back. tears ran down my face as i wiped them away.

[9] i'd never felt love that way before. it seemed so much my life had changed for the better.

[10] i can feel it in my this is where i am supposed to be right now, at this particular moment in time. i feel the music in me.

[11] i'd never fully appreciated life and what was in it until then. i had found bits and pieces, but nothing like when i finally opened my eyes.

[12] sunrise, sunset. the world is a beautiful place and i'm so lucky to be alive and living in it.

[13] he used to be my best friend. the one i thought i could tell everything to. but soon it became all about him and what he wanted to say. rather than him listening to me, i'd listen to him and then he'd hang up.

[14] they taught me to have respect for myself and not let anyone talk to me like i'm a little bitch... because i am anything but that.

to fully understand something, it takes more than just looking at it.
to fully understand someone, it takes more than just talking to them.
to fully understand life, it takes more than just living it.

life is a journey, not a destination.

if you don't like peanut butter sandwiches, then stop making them.


how to be happy damnit. (it has a flower on it)
[the secret
way of the peaceful warrior
the ultimate gift]

these are movies too.

nightmares on wax
a fine frenzy

i'm gonna go to sleep now. & later i will wake up to the sun shining, the birds chirping (like they are now) and music playing.

...i will smile and say to myself,
"today is a good day."

and indeed, it will be.

peaceasy loves. stay UP!

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